What is language?
Language refers to the words and sentences we use and how we use them to share ideas and express our needs and wants. Language is divided into receptive language and expressive language. Receptive language is our ability to understand language when it is used by others, such as understanding sentences and listening to and following instructions. Expressive language is our ability to use words, sentences and grammar in a meaningful way to communicate with others.
What is a language delay or disorder?
A language disorder can be characterised by receptive language difficulties, expressive language difficulties, or both. Difficulties with language impact both verbal and written communication. Late talkers may also be experiencing difficulties developing language skills. Approximately 20% of four year old children have difficulty understanding or using language.
How can we help?
At Discover Speech Pathology, we offer speech pathology services to children aged up to 18 years. We work collaboratively with children and their families to assess, diagnose and treat language delays or disorders. We use a variety of standardised and functional assessments to support goal setting and develop effective therapy plans that support your child in achieving their communication goals. Our Speech Pathologists are accredited in the delivery of the Hanen 'It Takes Two to Talk' early language program. Request an appointment today to begin your journey with us!